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Your Hope Focused Journey

    Step 1
    Connect for 15 minutes
    Your 15 minute complimentary video consultation is a relaxed time to meet and discuss your needs and questions. It gives us the opportunity to evaluate if online sessions together are a good fit for you. 
    Step 2Share your story
    Our first 53 minute session is a time for you to share your story in depth. We'll assess your current struggles or hurts so that we can best develop a custom plan for your Hope Focused Journey.
    Step 3Design your journey
    Together, we'll design a custom plan to meet your needs. We usually begin with 8-12 weekly sessions, after which we re-evaluate according to your individual needs. You can learn more here
    Step 4
    Conclude with confidence
    As we work together, meet your goals, and and equip you, we will discuss the best way to conclude your Hope Focused Journey. I am here to help you find hope and thrive. 


Licensed Professional Counselor

"Jenny is wise, kind, and compassionate, with a true heart for people and the skills to match. She is both gentle and straightforward, loving and challenging"


Licensed Professional Counselor

"I have worked closely with Jenny for several years... Jenny has a unique holistic approach to seeing each individual attain health in many areas of life... I have referred many clients to Jenny as well as family members and close friends."


Licensed Professional Counselor

Jenny has "passion, thoughtfulness, caring, and compassion... Most notably is her abilities and competencies in being light to those in darkness and/or hopelessness in their personal or relational situations. She has consistently helped her clientele successfully navigate difficult times."